DPRC will be hosting a swap meet from 10AM to 2PM on Saturday, August 30th for club members and guests. Only club members may sell, while both guests and club members may purchase. This is intended for shooting (and archery) related items - optics, parts, ammo, shooting gear, reloading equipment and supplies, and of course, firearms.
All firearms must be handled safely at all times! Action should be open and chamber flagged, or the muzzle pointed at the ceiling or floor while being handled.
DO NOT bring anything loaded or any loaded magazines for sale. The safety committee will be checking that firearms for sale are in a safe condition (unloaded, open, and flagged).
DO NOT bring illegal items to sell.
DO follow all NC and federal laws for private transfer of firearms.
Setup will begin in the clubhouse around 9. Plan to be set up by 10.
We have tables in the clubhouse, first come, first serve, no more than 1 table per member. Please share tables if possible.
If you have a folding table that you can bring, please do just in case we run out of space. If the weather is nice we may overflow to outside the clubhouse.
You are responsible for your stuff. You may want to get together with another member to share a table so one can cover all the stuff while the other browses the other tables.
Ensure that all buyers have either a member or guest badge.
Price your items ahead of time.
Bring appropriate boxes, containers, etc... for buyers to carry off what you are selling.
All firearms must be handled safely at all times! Action should be open, or the muzzle pointed at the ceiling or floor.
ASK THE SELLER to hand you any firearm you are interested in. Both the seller and potential buyer should ensure the firearm is clear (no mag, no ammo in gun or chamber).
Please be considerate to the sellers unloading and setting up. Don't expect to get into the clubhouse before 10 unless you are a seller.
Just as for guests on the range, the _member_ is responsible for checking in guests at the kiosk, and for their conduct while at the club. You will need a member or guest badge to purchase.
Bring cash.
Jim Pendergraft
DPRC, Vice President